Would you believe me if I said that what you believe to be true about Search Engine Optimization is actually completely backwards?
99% of "SEO Experts" would probably explain Search Engine Optimization by saying something like, "SEO is performing keyword research and competitor analysis to identify high volume generic search terms that we can rank for via content creation, link building, and a little black magic... blah, blah, blah"
In his book This is Marketing, Seth Godin explains the important concept of being specific enough to be "search worthy."
"A smart marketer creates a product or service that is worth searching for. Google wants you to be found when someone searches for you." - Seth Godin
Is it important to have relevant keywords in the correct places on your website? Of course.
Do organic backlinks help? Sure.
But more important than pandering to Google via website optimization, is what you do amongst your community of raving fans.
What makes your school so insanely unique that parents all over town are driving to your campus to learn how their child could get a piece of the joy and success that radiates from your school?
Instead of focusing on your school's rank for generic keywords, try focusing on increasing the search volume of brand keywords like:
Your school's name
A specific program that you offer
Your award winning lunch menu
The names of faculty members
The best way to increase organic search volume online is to deliver massive amounts of value offline.
No one can be you. So the best way to reduce competition on a search engine is to get your community to search... for you.