What are Google Ads?
Whenever you search for something on Google, whether it’s a business, a product, or a service, the first two to three search results are usually Google Ads. The ads are made to look exactly like normal search results, but they will have an Ad symbol at the top of the result. These companies that appear at the top of search results have used a Google Ads campaign to push their results to the top.
Google Ads allows businesses to pay to display the business’s ads to customers who search for relevant keywords and terms on Google Search. It allows the businesses to specifically target their audience and consumers who are most likely to buy their product or use their service.

Why should charter schools use Google Ads?
There are many reasons to use Google Ads to promote your school. Google ads puts your advertisement directly in front of consumers who are more likely to be interested in your school. Here are some of the benefits of using Google Ads.
1. Increases the number of leads you will receive and potential customers.
Google Ads attracts traffic to your website from people searching for products that you offer. Your ads will appear to the people that are most likely to buy or use the services that you offer. Google Ads can also create other leads, based on what your school is interested in.
2. Customization with extensions.
Based on the extensions used on your ads, you can get more phone calls, more website visits, or more in-person visits all from one ad. Extensions are add-ons that are not included in your ad. In the Google Ads program you can attach your school or main office’s location, the school’s phone number, and direct links to different pages on your website.
By offering direct links to different pages on your website, you can direct people to exactly where they want to go, without them having to search through your website. If your goal is to get more enrollments, you can link your enrollment page. If your goal is to promote an event your school is holding, you can link the page that talks about it. Several links can be added to your ad, but the maximum number of additional links that can be shown at once is four.
3. Set budgets easily.
It is easy to control how much money you spend on your Google Ads. Once you create your ad, you can set an average daily budget. Google Ads will show your ad until they get close to that average daily budget. Some days it will be more and some days it will be less, but by the en
d of the month the average daily budget will be what you set it at the beginning of the month.
4. Reach larger audiences.
Google can display their ads in many different places and have a massive reach. This is because Google partners and owns many different websites and services that agree to display Google Ads. This way you can reach more people that are interested in your school. Whatever action you want customers to take, Google will send you people who are more likely to take that action.
5. Full control of your campaigns and ads.
With Google Ads, you set up the campaign, choose the audience and keywords you want to target, pick your budget, and Google does the rest. Campaigns are easy to change and can be fully controlled by you. There is also an option to be more hands-off and allow Google to make decisions it believes is best for your business’s advertisements. The choice is up to you and it is very easy to change.
6. High Return on Investment (ROI)
One of the key benefits is that you get a high return on investment (ROI). This is because Google Ads will only charge you when your ad is clicked on. This ensures that you are only paying for the people that are close to enrolling or completing the actions that you want them to take.
Overall, Google Ads is a great way for charter schools to reach new customers that will more likely be interested in enrolling at their campus. It is customizable, budget friendly, and offers full control over the ads that are shown.
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